“The End of Disease?” by Dr. Daniel Vuillermin

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“The End of Disease?” by Dr. Daniel Vuillermin

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“The End of Disease?”, a talk by Dr. Daniel Vuillermin

Genome-editing technologies such as CRISPR are radically changing how we diagnose and treat disease. From cancer to crops, genetic engineering offers humanity the possibility of living healthier, longer lives. But with every new medical invention –– from the stethoscope to fibretronics –– come changes in our conceptions of the body, health and treatment. Today, China is at the forefront of gene-editing research yet is this new technology at odds with traditional Chinese ideas of the body and health? We will explore the cultural history of the body in China and discuss the relationship between gene editing and modern Chinese society.

WHAT: “The End of Disease?” a talk by Dr. Daniel Vuillermin of the Institute for Medical Humanities, Peking University
WHEN: Monday 26 September 2016, at 7.30 PM
The House Café: Third Floor, 88 Shuangqing Lu, Wudaokou, Haidian District
大家咖啡: 海淀区双清路88号华源世纪商务楼三层西侧
MAP AND POSTER LINK http://science-skills.com/us-posters/next.jpg
COST: Free admission, but attendees are responsible for buying their own drinks/food

CONTACT: email understandingsciencebeij[email protected]

Dr Daniel Vuillermin is a lecturer at the Institute for Medical Humanities at Peking University. He is an editor of the Chinese Medical Humanities Review and is currently researching photography and representations of illness in Chinese medical history.

This event is jointly sponsored by “Understanding Science: Scientific Seminars for the General Public” and the Royal Asiatic Society Beijing

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

Monday, September 26, 2016 to


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